Monday, April 11, 2011

Revised Book cover

     Here is a revised version of my book cover.  I tried changing the text to white like you had suggested but it did not look right, pl;us it seemed to blend too much into the now on the bottom.  So instead I changed the text to red and then adjusted the "bevel and emboss" to give it a 3D effect and also changed up the opacity of the text on the cover.  I believe these changes allow for the text to pop out a bit more than before.  I also had to change the spine because of the changes on the cover.  I got rid of the apple as one classmate suggested and I went with a black spine instead.  Since the apple is now gone I needed something to fill that space so I added the "reader's circle" emblem because The Giver is one book recommended by this organization. Although not the feeling I was going for in the first design;  I am satisfied with this turnout as well.  

1 comment:

  1. This is better. But the authors name is too small and not consistent. Look at the the da Vinci covers I sent. The type is bold expressive.
